OSHA 1910.269
What is OSHA
1910.269? In very basic terms this
federal regulation addresses the operation and maintenance of electrical power
generation, control, transformation, transmission, and distribution lines and
equipment. Within the layers of this
regulation lies a section addressing flame resistant clothing. The code states that an employer shall ensure
that each employee who is exposed to the hazards of flames or electric arcs
does not wear clothing that, when exposed to flames or electric arcs, could
increase the extent of injury that would be sustained by the employee. (OSHA 1910.269(l)(6)(iii))
OSHA recently revised
part of 1910.269 to include the following:
Employees may not wear
flammable clothing in conjunction with flame-resistant clothing if the flammable
clothing poses an ignition hazard. Although
outer flame-resistant layers may not have openings that expose flammable inner
layers, when an outer flame-resistant layer would be unable to resist break
open the next (inner) layer must be flame-resistant if it could ignite.
OSHA also revised paragraph (g)(3) of §1926.960 and paragraph (l)(8)(iii) of §1910.269 to require an employer to ensure that each employee
exposed to hazards from flames or electric arcs does not wear clothing that
could melt onto his or her skin or that could ignite and continue to burn when
exposed to flames or the heat energy estimated under §§1926.960(g)(2) and
In basic terms OSHA is making it mandatory for certain
employers to provide protective clothing that will not melt, drip, or ignite
and that will not contribute to injury by July
10, 2014. Employers will then be
required to perform an Arc Flash Hazard Assessment by January 1, 2015. By April 1, 2015 employers will be
required to provide Arc Rated Clothing that matches the Arc Flash Hazard
assessment to employees.
These revisions are sure to have employers and employees wondering
what options they have to comply with the revised OSHA 1910.269. To read the full OSHA revision click here. For information on flame resistant garment options, contact our
customer service team by dialing 800.553.0672 or email us at CustomerService@thinkNSA.com
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